Upendra’s Commitment Transformed His Health

Although not too much overweight, I always felt I should be leaner. One of the things that I used to enjoy previously was jogging. However, I was unable to do that since last year and half or so due to lot of pain in the foot arch anytime I tried to go jogging. A Sports Medicine Doctor in India suggested that my excess weight could be a very important factor in the foot pain while jogging. A few months later, a routine annual physical test also showed that HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and Triglyceride levels needed some improvement. These reasons prompted me to consider a weight loss/management program that would involve both nutrition guidance and exercise.

I did some online research and came to know about Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar. A month later or so, the Hindi movie “Dangal” was released and I read about how Mr. Aamir Khan was able to get his weight and in the essence total % fat reduced drastically while working with Dr. Nikhil. I felt that this was a solid example that would help me take decision to work with Dr. Nikhi.

Dr. Nikhil understood my food habits, patterns, likes, and dislikes, and formulated the diet that would take those into account, and patiently answered all my questions from time to time during the program. In addition to meeting my goals at the end of the program, I also gained valuable knowledge that I can use for coming months and hopefully years for my continued weight management.

What worked for me is that I stayed committed and diligent, planned my meals well, did not treat the diet as mental burden and did not feel guilty on those days when I could not follow the diet due to social get-togethers or travel out of town
My advice to a fellow dieter is that if someone is deciding to start and are concerned that they may have to give up all those foods that they love, they should not be too much concerned, as Dr. Nikhil will work around your likes/dislikes. Stay committed to the program once you have started it. If you are considering whether to join, you should join because the program actually works as long as you are going to be committed and diligent!

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