Sanket’s Success with Dr. Dhurandhar’s Fat Loss Diet

Sanket joined Dr. Dhurandhar’s Fat Loss Diet the summer of 2023. We spoke with him near the end of his 12-week journey and this is what he had to say.

Before you tried our program, how did you usually try to lose weight?

To be honest, I would look on Youtube for how to lose fat and build muscle.  Or, I would ask Chat GPT for a diet. I tried to use that but it was very difficult to follow. 

So, how has the program been so far? What do you like about it?

The thing I like most about it is that it is a very friendly and tasty diet. It is easy to follow and I am always feeling happy to follow it. 

And is there anything about it that has been difficult for you?

The only hard thing was for the Palak Paneer, I could not find palak in my city. So I asked your dietitian Misbah what to do for that, and she helped me out to find another food I could eat. 

Are you happy with the results so far?

Yes, very happy, very, very, very happy. I’ve also come up with nice programs for my muscle building and that is going really well also. I have lost 10 kg in almost 12 weeks.

Would you refer your family or friends to try the program?

Yes, I just have referred your program to one of my dear friends. So he may be joining soon.

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